Crypto Gaming: The Evolution from Blockchain Games to Metaverse

Cryptocurrency gaming has come a long way since the early days of blockchain-based games. Today, many popular platforms allow gamers to use cryptocurrencies and other digital assets to engage in all sorts of different gaming experiences. But what is next for crypto gaming? How will metaverse make it even more popular with gamers around the world? In this article, we will look at the past, present, and future of crypto gaming. We will also explore some of the most popular crypto gaming platforms and tokens currently in use.

Early Days of Crypto Games

So-called “blockchain games dominated the early days of crypto gaming.” These games ran on decentralized platforms like Ethereum and used blockchain technology to track game assets and player progress. However, while there were a few popular blockchain games, such as CryptoKitties and Ether Monsters, the overall gaming experience was often quite limited. This began to change with the launch of MetaMask, which made it possible for players to use Ethereum-based tokens within traditional web browsers.

Development of Gaming Platforms

With MetaMask, players could now access a whole new world of possibilities for crypto gaming. Not only could they play existing blockchain games, but they could also start using cryptocurrency tokens to purchase in-game items or make in-game purchases. This led to the development of many new crypto gaming platforms, including Decentraland, Blockchain Cuties, and Gods Unchained.

What Do Users Get on These Platforms

These platforms allow gamers to use various cryptocurrencies and digital assets to engage in all sorts of different gaming experiences. For example, Decentraland lets players explore virtual worlds built on top of the Ethereum blockchain. While Blockchain Cuties allows users to breed and collect cartoon animals known as “crypto kitties.” And Gods Unchained is a popular card game that uses Ether tokens as its main currency.

The Launch Of Metaverse

Metaverse is set to take crypto gaming to the next level. Not only does it provide a platform for developers to create decentralized games and applications, but it also allows gamers to use a variety of different digital assets and cryptocurrencies. This makes it possible for players to experience various gaming genres and styles, from first-person shooters to casino games.

In addition, Metaverse also provides a secure and transparent environment for all transactions. This means that gamers can feel safe using their cryptocurrency tokens to purchase in-game items or make in-game payments. And developers can be confident that their games are being run on a fair and secure platform.

So far, there have been several popular crypto gaming platforms that have emerged on the Metaverse blockchain. These include Etheroll, an online dice game that allows users to bet Ether tokens on the outcome of random number generators; FunFair, a casino game platform that uses the Ethereum blockchain to guarantee fairness and security; and Loom Network, a platform for developing decentralized games and applications.

Future Launches

There are also several upcoming crypto gaming platforms that are set to launch on Metaverse soon. These include Neon District, an immersive cyberpunk world where players can use Ether tokens to purchase items and experiences; Gods Unchained, the popular card game mentioned earlier; and Decentraland, the virtual world platform we discussed earlier.

Why Metaverse Continue To Grow in Popularity

So far, Metaverse has successfully attracted developers to its blockchain-based gaming platform. This is likely due to its ease of use, combined with the fact that it allows gamers to use a variety of different digital assets and cryptocurrencies. As a result, the metaverse is quickly becoming the go-to platform for all things crypto gaming, and it’s likely that we’ll see even more amazing games and applications being developed on its blockchain in the future.

NFT Based Games

An interesting development that has emerged in crypto gaming is the rise of NFT-based games. Players can use cryptocurrency tokens in these games to purchase unique in-game items that cannot be replicated or destroyed. This means that players can own their game items outright and even sell them on secondary markets if they so desire. As NFT is a popular form of digital asset, we’ll likely see a lot more of these types of games being developed in the future.

So far, there have been a few popular NFT-based games that have emerged on Metaverse. These include CryptoKitties, a game where players can collect and breed digital cats; Blockchain Cuties, an animal breeding game that allows users to trade their cute animals with others; and Decentraland, the virtual world platform we discussed earlier. In addition, there are also several upcoming NFT-based games that will be on Metaverse.

Crypto Tokens 

Many different types of cryptocurrency tokens are used for crypto gaming. Some of the most popular include:

Ethereum (ETH)

The native token of the Ethereum blockchain is used to fuel transactions on the network.

Bitcoin (BTC)

The world’s first and most well-known cryptocurrency, which can be used to purchase in-game items or make in-game purchases.

Litecoin (LTC)

A faster and more lightweight version of Bitcoin, often used for smaller in-game purchases.

ERC20 Tokens

ERC20 tokens are a type of Ethereum-based token often used in decentralized applications and games. There are many different ERC20 tokens available, each with its specific purpose.

Some examples of these include:

Ether: Used as the main currency in Gods Unchained.

Decentraland: Uses MANA tokens to purchase land and experiences within the virtual world.

Blockchain Cuties: Uses Cutie pie tokens to breed and collect cartoon animals.

FunFair: Uses FUN tokens to play casino games.

Etheroll: Uses Ether tokens to bet on the outcome of random number generators.

Loom Network: Uses Loom tokens to develop decentralized games and applications.

Neon District: TBA uses an unknown token for purchases within the game.

What Does the Future Hold?

The world of crypto gaming is evolving rapidly. With new platforms and games being developed, it’s hard to predict exactly where the industry will be in a few years. However, one thing is for sure: the Metaverse blockchain is playing a big role in shaping the future of this exciting new domain.

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